“Le voci nella mia mente”_Ugo Raimondi_Bassoon Artist_Alireza Motevaseli

“Le voci nella mia mente”_Ugo Raimondi_Bassoon Artist_Alireza Motevaseli

 “اصوات در ذهن من “

اثر “اوگو ریموندی” از ایتالیا

سولیست فاگوت علیرضا متوسلی

 “Le voci nella mia mente”

Composer: “Ugo Raimondi” from Italy

Bassoon Soloist : “Alireza Motevaseli”

Ugo Raimondi
Date of birth: 07/04/1989


After he got high school diploma with full marks, he started his course of study at “Nicola Sala” Conservatory. He degrees in piano performing, thus he initiates to study Musical Composition. During the latest years, he took part in several composition contests, both national and international, winning awards such as: 1st prize and honorable mention at “Città di Albenga” 1st composition contest; 1st prize at “Mandanici” 16th national contest; 2nd prize at Cortemilia 23rd contest (cat. A); 2nd price at Cortemilia contest (cat. B); 2nd prize at “Giuseppe Raciti Awards” V contest; 2nd price at II Narnia Arts Academy International Competition; 2nd price at “Renato della Torre” 2nd composition contest; 3rd price at Cortemilia 24th contest (cat. A); 3rd price at “Città di Albenga” 3rd composition contest. 3rd price at “Città di Todi” 1st composition contest; 3rd price at “Giuseppe Raciti Awards” VII contest; 3rd and 2rd price at “Mandanici” 17th national contest; 3rd price at III Narnia Arts Academy international competition; Honorabile mention at 44th “Guido D’Arezzo” international composition competition; 2rd and 3rd price at XXIX Europeano Music COmpetition “Città di Moncalieri”. He performed the winner musical piece of the “Città di Albenga” 1st contest, at Leipzig Buchmesse 2016. Furthermore, he spectated the world premiere of “Contaminazione di pura follia”, during the International Meisterkurs fur Klavier, performed by German teacher and concert master Heidrun Holtmann, at Detmond ed Herdecke (Germany).
In the present time, he is prosecuting his composition studies at “San Pietro a Majella” Conservatory, in Napoli.

Piece description in Italian:

“Le voci nella mia mente” è una composizione per fagotto solista che si propone di mostrare una sovrapposizione a strati di diverse idee musicali che creano disturbo alla linea tematica principale. Ogni idea ha il suo registro di appartenenza (l’ostinato nell’acuto, la melodia in un registro più centrale ed i frammenti melodici nel grave) che si alternano in maniera netta. La melodia viene così disturbata sempre più da questi elementi, queste “voci nella mente” che proseguono sempre più invadenti fino alla fine del brano, il quale termina con un mormorio che ripercorre quasi tutta l’estensione dello strumento.

Piece description in English:

“The voices in my mind” is a composition for solo bassooon whose purpose is to show a stratification of various musical ideas that create disturbance to the main thematic line. Every idea has its own belonging register ( the ostinato in the acute, the melody in a more central register and the melodic fragments in the low) and they alternate each other in a clear way. So, the melody is everytime disturbed by these elements, these “voices on my mind” that go on more and more intrusive until the end of the piece, that ends with a murmur going along almost the entire extension of the instrument

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